Making Hispanic Ministry the Priority!
CHM Homepage
June 2015
(En Español)     
Greetings from CHM Director David Byrne!     
Dr. David C. Byrne
    The Word of God is living and active.  It is a sword that is at work in the world, cutting to the root of things as it reveals what is real and true.  It is not enough to be good and kind in this world of brokenness and pain.  Even human peace is not enough to bring about the shalom of God and yet we see so many who as in the days of Jeremiah “dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. ‘Peace, peace,’ they say, when there is no peace.” (Jeremiah 5:11 and 6:14)  There are real wounds in the people of the world and the many diverse cultures reflect the many distinctive ways that people have sought to isolate themselves from that pain and to find wholeness and healing.
     As Christians, we recognize that healing comes from God in Christ and yet, still the things that we learn in the context of our native society – the patterns of how things are done and the values of our people – are persistent and shape us.  Culture cannot be ignored even when we ultimately identify with the Kingdom of God.
     CHM is an organization that works with two specific cultures, Hispanic and Anglo, in the context of God’s Kingdom.  Our task is to bring Christians together for understanding and for cooperation to advance God’s purposes of healing and wholeness.  Our calling is not to erase culture or the differences between people; it is to proclaim Christ and His salvation for every creature and to promote cooperation for that project between the Hispanics and Anglos of North America.
     This edition of the CHM newsletter will focus less on news and more on the ways that CHM is fulfilling its mission and the ways that it can partner with you. 

            David C. Byrne
            Director:  CHM

(--See a previous  newsletter--)
(For an easier to print & share "Acrobat Reader" Version of this Newsletter click HERE)

CHM Board:

Dr. Karl Newman

Drew Davenport
Jacob Estrada
Kay Griffin
Dora Gutierrez Kerr
David Jaimes
Christopher Johnston
Lisa Newton
Eric Royle
Dr. Richard Tomm

Pablo and David  

A Bridging Resource

       One of the challenges of Hispanic ministry is finding a way to understand each other.  The culture, the language, and the values are all distinct from one culture to another. (An important sidenote is that even a culture that values multicultural pluralism is a separate culture in itself and not cross-cultural.) Our call to the world requires a message and strategy that are tuned to the needs of each person. 
     CHM’s activities through interpreting (spoken), translating (written), sharing materials, strategizing in church ministry and leading conferences and seminars are all for the purpose of understanding how we can work together for a common cause.  In this sense CHM is a servant both to the Anglo and Hispanic church. 
     This is also the area where we often find the most opposition since representing the Anglo perspective to Hispanics and vice versa makes CHM the point of anger and frustration for both sides when cooperation is challenged, which it often is in ministry.  The Anglo church needs to learn about the pressures of the immigrant community and about its role in seeking justice and expressing compassion for those living without documents in our communities.  The Hispanic church must consider the relationship of obedience and discipleship in its civic participation.  And all of us must allow ourselves to be challenged daily toward living in God’s holiness.
     This bridging role is also one of the points of greatest blessing: to be able to see how God has equipped His body with all the gifts and temperaments it needs to accomplish all of His purposes. To see His hand fully at work is a beautiful thing.

 Instituto ALMA: ALcanzando al Mundo Alrededor
Mexico City Classes

    One of the primary ministries that CHM identified as a key contribution to the Hispanic Church since the beginning of its ministry was leadership training.  We continue that emphasis through our ongoing leadership training program whose name in Spanish speaks to both personal spiritual development and evangelistic outreach.
     The pictures above shows a class that was hosted by the Mexico
  City Amigos Institute brought in March and taught by CHM director David Byrne.  Our mission is to provide a training program which is now almost exclusively through online videos and web pages that were set up by former Instituto ALMA director Jerry Clarkson with occasional local site claALMA Leadership Institute sses that we are able to host.  Our goal is to make Christian leadership tools available to leaders at whatever stage in their development and whatever their personal resources.  We thank God for the many new training options that are now available to Spanish-speaking Christian leaders since when we first began this ministry.  We also continue with our commitment to do all that we can to help those who serve God in the church.

Good Reading

Where can a church go to get good material in Spanish for its adult Sunday School classes, or for its discipleship training, or for detailed Bible study and teacher training?  On our literature pages we have a good selection of material that can be useful for the Spanish-speaking church and its leaders.  Materials are all readily available without cost and can give church leaders important tools they can use.

News & Prayer
There are currently several pastors looking for churches and churches looking for pastoral leadership.  Pray that the Lord’s will be done.
Pray that the Lord will provide the resources for all the ministries that are opening up and that need to be planted.  Thank Him for the faithful partners who are giving of themselves for launching ministries in places like Emporia, KS, Oklahoma City, San Antonio, Baltimore, and Philadelphia as well as among so many others.
AMANA The North American Hispanic Friends Conference hosted by AMANA is set for October 15-18.  More information will be coming but for now make plans to join the celebration and pray that God will be preparing His people.

Here's how to get in touch with us:
Address:  P.O. Box 1500, Friendswood, TX  77549
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